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Patient Notice

Following some technical issues last week, the practice is now open. Please attend your booked appointments as normal.

It may take us a little longer than usual to respond to emails and telephone calls – thank you for bearing with us.

Practice charter

Practice charter standards

These are the local standards set within this practice for the benefit of our patients. It is our job to give you treatment and advice. Following discussion with you, you will receive the most appropriate care, given by suitably qualified people. No care or treatment will be given without your informed consent. In the interest of your health it is important for you to understand all the information given to you. Please ask questions if you are unsure of anything.

Our responsibilities to you

We are committed to giving you the best possible service.


People involved in your care will give you their names and ensure that you know how to contact them.

The surgery should be well signposted and the doctors or nurses names are indicated on their surgery rooms.

Waiting time

We run an appointment system in this practice. You will be given a time at which the doctor or nurse hopes to be able to see you for routine appointments.

You should not wait more than 30 minutes in the waiting room without receiving an explanation for the delay.


You will have access to a doctor rapidly in case of emergency and, wherever possible, within half a working day in cases of urgency.

We will arrange a home visit as appropriate for those whose medical condition prevents them from attending surgery.


We will try to answer the phone promptly and to ensure that there are sufficient staff available to do this.

You should be able to speak to a doctor by phone at certain times of the day.

Test results

If you have undergone tests or x-rays ordered by the practice. We would ask that you contact the surgery after 2pm to obtain your results.

The clinician will advise you of the timescale.


Patients will be treated as individuals and partners in their healthcare, irrespective of their ethnic origin or religious and cultural beliefs.


We will give you full information about the services we offer.

Every effort will be made to ensure that you receive the information which directly affects your health and the care being offered.

Health promotion

The practice will offer patients advice and information on steps they can take to promote good health and avoid illness, as well as self help which can be undertaken without reference to a doctor in the case of minor ailments.

Health records

You have the right to see your health records, subject to limitations in the law. These will be kept confidential at all times.

Please speak to reception regarding this process.

Your responsibilities to us

Help us to help you.

  • Please let us know if you change your name, address or phone number.
  • Please do everything you can to keep appointments. Tell us as soon as possible if you cannot. Otherwise, other patients may have to wait longer. Please use the phone cancellation line, or go online and if possible give 24 hours notice.
  • We need help too. Please ask for home visits by the doctor only when the person is too ill to visit the surgery.
  • Please keep your phone call brief and avoid calling during the peak morning time for non-urgent matters.
  • Test results take time to reach us, so please do not ring before you have been asked to do so. Please telephone for results after 2:30pm each afternoon. Enquiries about tests ordered by the hospital should be directed to the hospital, not the practice.
  • We ask that you treat the doctors and practice staff with courtesy and respect.
  • Please read our practice booklet. This will help you to get the best out of the services we offer. It is important that you understand the information given to you. Please ask us questions if you are unsure of anything.
  • Remember, you are responsible for your own health and the health of your children. We will give you our professional help and advice. Please act upon it.
  • Please do not use the out-of-hours emergency service for anything other than genuine emergencies which cannot wait until the next surgery.

Page published: 4 November 2024
Last updated: 5 November 2024