What to do in times of bereavement
If death occurs at home
Telephone the doctor. They will visit to confirm death has taken place. Contact the funeral director, or ask the doctor to do this for you. It is not necessary that the body of the deceased be removed immediately; you may want friends or relatives to visit before this is done.
If the doctor has attended the deceased within the last 14 days they will be able to issue a death certificate.
If not they will have to contact the coroner first. It is very rare that a post-mortem has to be done.
When death occurs in hospital
Contact the funeral directors to inform them that their services will be required.
Collect the death certificate from hospital. Take this to the registrars for the area in which the death took place. Also take the deceased’s medical card if available.
Take the green form, issued by the registrar, to the funeral directors who will take over complete responsibility for arranging the funeral. If there is any difficulty, ring the selected funeral director.